Jerauld County Disaster Mitigation Plan Update
Meeting #2 Agenda
May 27, 2015 at 4:30 PM at the County Courthouse
Jerauld County is in the process of updating its disaster mitigation plan. A series of planning meetings is being held this year to gather information for the
plan. The first meeting was held last month. This meeting will focus on developing a mitigation strategy to address the hazards that were identified at the first meeting. Agenda items for the meeting are as follows:
Prior to Meeting #3, a draft copy of the completed plan will be distributed to the planning team. The draft will be reviewed at the next meeting, at which
time comments and suggestions will be considered. There will also be an opportunity to include additional mitigation actions. Comments also can be sent prior to the meeting to the Jerauld County Emergency Management Office ( or to John Clem (
Review Results of Risk Assessment
Winter storm vulnerability
Summer storm vulnerability
Flood vulnerability (look at maps and tables)
Drought vulnerability
Wildfire vulnerability (look at maps and tables)
Identify Mitigation Goals and Priorities
Identify Mitigation Actions
Review list of mitigation actions in current plan, including progress on implementation
Determine which mitigation actions to include in this plan
Gather information about each mitigation action (cost, responsibility for implementation, etc.)
Prioritize mitigation actions